Graphic Designer, Creator & Storyteller

I started out as a very dedicated art student in high school. Once I graduated, I enrolled at Simon Fraser University into the School of Interactive Arts & Technology where I achieved a Bachelor of Arts with completion of CO-OP; as well as a Certificate in Environmental Literacy. I also have a Fashion Design & Business diploma from John Casablancas Institute.
Check out my fashion portfolio too.

I believe that authenticity is important for any creative work. It represents the true nature of the client, the designer and of the work. Without it, there would be no meaning to the creation. Therefore, I will try my best to get to know your needs to best represent them in our creation.

I have a variety of skills shown through my diverse portfolio.
I really enjoy the creative process of design because it is similar to crafting a story; to create the DNA of the product.

Please take a look at the 'About' tab and the 'Portfolio' tab. If it ignites fireworks in your heart then toss me an email via the 'Contact' tab and let's see what I can design for you.